My Story


Hi, My name is Stacia Petty!

I’m a primary school music teacher by day and jack of all trades by night. Growing up my mother was always cooking, sewing, painting, decorating and she made sure my sister and I were right along side her. When we were learning alongside her many times she wasn’t strictly following a recipe or making sure she was mastering a skill, she was simply providing for her family, trying to make our house more homey, or trying to help someone who was in need.

When I grew up and had my 2 daughters Pinterest was just becoming popular. Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Pinterest! It is an invaluable resource that I use daily for inspiration and research! But I found myself getting sucked into the trap of feeling totally inadequate because I began comparing myself to these Pinterest perfect people. I felt if I followed their recipes I might have a horrible outcome if I breathed wrong when I added the paprika! This lead to lots of frozen pizza and stifled creativity for a while.

Cue cancer. I know, this sounds weird. But my husband of 13 years at the time got cancer and I threw myself into Pinterest to try to find something to take my mind off of the obsession of doctors and treatments, etc. I found quilting. I had sewn a lot in college and a little when we first got married but we had since moved into a small shop house so my sewing machine had been all packed away. But through the internet and the two sweet ladies at our local quilt store I began my quilting journey. Covid hit and all of the sudden just like so many others, I was experimenting with all kinds of things! Sewing, cooking, painting, crafting! When the world opened back up it’s like my creativity well was flowing full force now!

We’ve had a busy few years at our house. We’ve built our dream house. Been raising our two girls. Beat cancer!! Survived a broken back (that’s a story for another time). And done a lot of projects. We are also about to start on a journey of foster care. What God has taught me through all of it is that none of it has to be perfect to be wonderful. I’ve learned to try anything and if it fails we laugh it off and move on (I’m looking at you sourdough bread). But there are a lot of things that I’ve loved. My first attempts might not have been perfect or “mastered” but I’ve enjoyed them enough to do them a second time! And I hope to share my journey with you as we continue to be jacks (or jills) of all trades but masters of none.

Me, my mom and my little sister in front of a quilt that the ladies of my mothers church made.